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Women's Health Physical Therapy

Providing Everything You Need

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Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy

Pelvic floor Physical Therapy focuses on restoring or maintaining proper function and balance to the pelvic floor and its surrounding structures. The pelvic floor consists of muscles, ligaments, and connective tissues that work together to support and assist in the functioning of the urinary and reproductive systems. When the functioning of the pelvic floor becomes compromised, a variety of symptoms may become apparent.


Signs of pelvic floor compromise include: 

  • Urinary urgency or urinary leakage associated with urgency or with certain activities such as coughing, laughing, sneezing, and exercise

  • A feeling of heaviness in the pelvic region

  • Pelvic pain which may include hip, sacral, lower abdominal, and/or vaginal pain

  • Painful sex​


If any of the above resonate with you, pelvic floor therapy may be indicated. ​


During your first session, a thorough evaluation will be performed which will include a history and physical examination. Depending on your symptoms and clinical presentation, the examination may include:

  • Visual pelvic assessment

  • Manual pelvic assessment 

  • Biofeedback of the pelvic floor 

  • Manual tests and measures of the surrounding hip and sacral region

After the examination, a plan of care specific to your needs and your personal goals will be created. Follow up treatments may be conducted in person or online.

Prenatal Physical Therapy

Did you know that pregnancy doesn't have to include months of back pain and pelvic floor issues? It sounds crazy but it is true! When thinking about all the changes that a pregnant body undergoes within a span of months, it's no wonder that aches, pains, and pelvic floor issues sometimes pop up. But, believe it or not, a good majority of these common complications can be prevented. In addition, contrary to popular belief,  if symptoms are already present they can be alleviated prior to giving birth in most cases. 

What conditions can prenatal PT help with?

Prenatal PT can address many common orthopedic issues, including: 

  • Back pain, hip pain, neck pain

  • Pubic Symphysis Dysfunction

  • Sacroiliac joint pain

  • Urinary or fecal incontinence

  • Pelvic pressure

  • Difficulties walking and balance issues

What does treatment normally include?

A tailored treatment plan will be created based on your specific needs. Common prenatal PT treatment normally includes:​

  • Soft tissue mobilization (therapeutic massage)

  • Gentle joint mobilizations and muscle stretching

  • Exercises and creating a personalized home exercise plan

  • Biomechanical analysis and education (modifying certain movement patterns that may be contributing to pain)

  • Postural correction where it may be helpful

  • Walking analysis and training (looking at the way you walk and correcting any abnormalities that may be contributing to your pain)

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Home exercise for mother and baby, mommy and me workout. Physical activity for mother whil

Postpartum Physical Therapy

The fourth trimester - the time after your baby is born - is nothing shy of hectic, stressful, and exhausting. During this time, your body is healing from childbirth, hormone levels are once again shifting, AND you have a brand new baby! Whether it was a vaginal birth or a Cesarean, pregnancy and childbirth takes its toll on the body and it is not uncommon to experience aches and pains, incontinence or pelvic floor issues, abdominal separation, and difficulties with returning to exercise or other activity. These experiences are very common postpartum, but NOT normal! This means that although many women experience issues during this time, it CAN be treated and it CAN improve!

What are some commonly treated postpartum conditions?

Conditions commonly treated include: 

  • Diastasis recti (abdominal separation)

  • Perineal tears

  • C-section scar pain and sensitivity

  • Hip pain

  • Back pain

  • Sacroiliac Joint pain 

  • Urinary or fecal incontinence

  • Prolapse 

  • Pain with sex 

  • General aches and pains

What does treatment normally include?

A tailored treatment plan will be constructed based on your specific needs. Common Postpartum PT treatment normally includes:​

  • Soft tissue mobilization (therapeutic massage)

  • Gentle joint mobilizations and muscle stretching

  • Exercises and creating a personalized home exercise plan

  •  Biomechanical analysis and education (modifying certain movement patterns that may be contributing to pain)

  • Walking analysis and training (looking at the way you walk and correcting any abnormalities that may be contributing to your pain)

  • Postural correction where it may be helpful

  • Breastfeeding/bottle-feeding positioning 

  • Diastasis screening 

  • Pelvic floor assessment if indicated 

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